Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin
The gin is a triple-distilled neutral grain spirit, re-distilled in a traditional copper pot still; the recipe is handcrafted in a time-honored way. The gin is named after the city of Jaisalmer in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The architecture of Jaisalmer is an important part of the city's cultural heritage and is a major tourist attraction.
Jaisalmer is located near the Thar Desert, and it was once an important stop along the Silk Route, a network of trade routes that connected the East and West. Jaisalmer was a major center for the trade of silk, spices, and other goods, and it played a key role in the cultural and economic exchange between India and the rest of the world. Therefore, the concept for the mid-tier is called βthe Silk Route.
It tells the story of premium botanicals that were brought via the Silk Route from the west. The combination of both native and imported botanicals used in the distillation creates a unique flavor profile.
The concept of the high tier, the Haveli, harks back to the peak of the trading period when wealthy merchants enjoy their leisure time in their Havelis, traditional mansions.
I dived deeper into the concept and explore different designs.